Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Had a Great Week but still in a little bit of Culture Shock...

 Hello All! 
I have a great week! I am still in the stage of trying a little bit to adjust to the culture!  The culture is incredibly different from sweet little Colorado!  Not to mention the food!  The other day I got an orange Fanta. For some reason it tasted better than usual!  It's also a little new having to cook all of my own meals!  My mom is not there do it :(  Not to mention we also cook everything on a stove top.  Everything we eat is carbs, carbs, and more carbs.  Every meal is either rice, bread, or noodles.  With that is either egg or some type of meat.  
      The morals here are also very different!  During a lesson with someone, we saw and heard the neighbor next door caning her kid. (beating with sugar cane) I was very bothered on the inside, but nobody else seemed to care or be fazed.  As far as washing my clothes, I am starting to get used to it.  I am also getting used to the fact that there are dogs, chickens, lizards, goats, and sheep EVERYWHERE. It is a little ridiculous.  
      Everything here is packaged in bags. When we go get some water is is in a bag.  You just bite of the tip of a corner and drink it.  I also got some chocolate ice cream the other day. In a bag of course. It was pretty good though!
      I have had lots of experiences, but I have even more to come!
(P.S. It is Obroni not Obloni.... my bad haha)
Elder Brandt

Questions and Answers...
Mom:  How is your companion?
My companion and I are getting along pretty well! He is from Accra!  His English is very well. We usually try to teach in English. A lot of the older people here only speak Twi. It is a pride thing... haha  

Mom:  How big is the branch/ward? Do you have any more baptisms scheduled?
The branch has about maybe 30 members.  
Through October and November I believe we have 18 baptisms scheduled!  

Mom:  How is the cooking going?  What kind of meat are you eating?
Cooking is going well! It is basically cooking the same thing over and over haha
As far as meat we usually eat sausage.

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